Leadership Trauma

Message for Wounded Leaders

Apr 04, 2022


Trauma has more to do with your Leadership than you probably think

We are bombarded with exciting leadership programs and expensive personal development training.

One even more beautiful than the other.

Personal leadership is becoming increasingly popular. After all, every manager or CEO realizes that leadership is not about what you KNOW or DO, but above all about who you ARE.

But all of this is also quite problematic. The fanciest leadership and personal development courses rarely deal with painful, vulnerable and shameful topics.

Why is that important to leadership, you might ask.

Well, do you believe that the most creative and powerful entrepreneurs, and the most powerful and successful leaders, do not suffer from trauma, personal crisis and deep-seated inner struggles?


And if you don't solve them, you will never reach the highest possible level in your leadership and entrepreneurship. Because everything is connected.

Your body and mind are not free.

You have countless blocks that you don't even notice yourself (but others might).

You are lacking real power.

Your actions and decisions come from reactivity.

You just don't magnetize.

Recognize any of this?

It doesn't have to be like that!

By overcoming traumas, brokenness and destructive patterns your personal potential increases dramatically. It will enable you to transform your greatest personal struggles into real superpowers that change your life, your leadership and your business results forever.

But there's one thing. It is imperative that you go in-depth on this, and don't get stuck in puppy-class behavioral training and coaching. Or talk endlessly about mindsets and positive thinking.

The deep brain doesn't give a shit about rational stuff.

Also don't expect a few coaching sessions or yet another one-day mindfulness or communication course will save your ass: the follow-up is missing and within a couple of months your progression will be vanished.

What is really necessary for deep and sustainable change?

Stop doing things halfheartedly, and FACE yourself completely. You need to use an approach that not only provides you with in-depth insights but also reveals the things you don't realize yourself and has the power to change all of this FROM INSIDE. Deeply, thoroughly and with LASTING RESULTS in all areas of your personal and business life.

And that's where we come in!

As a psychologist and executive coach I have worked for years with successful entrepreneurs, leaders and artists who, as their biggest blind spot, carried deeply intimate themes like this with them. By using cutting-edge methods and insights in an all-encompassing format, our clients achieve highly impressive results that transform their lives and their leadership.

And most beautiful part is that THEY are doing that all by themselves, driven by the power that resides WITHIN. We help them find it, of course ;-)

Break through personal patterns

Does all of this resonate with you?

Get in touch!

We help successful leaders and entrepeneurs with personal issues like this, interfering with their leadership and performance.

In a free conversation we will help you find out what's actually going, what is necessary to overcome your traumas and personal struggles and take your leadership and business performance to a whole new level.

Especially when you have already done everything for your personal development or have visited many coaches and therapists: feel free to contact us!

This video call is free of charge and without obligation and we are not going to sell you anything because we know that the very best content sells itself.

We look forward to speaking with you!